68090 Hammond Road,
Saint Clairsville, Ohio 43950
Auditor of state Award
ST. CLAIRSVILLE - A recent financial audit of the Belmont-Harrison Vocational School District by the Auditor of State Keith Faber's office earned an Auditor's Award for good record keeping.
"This award honors the hard work school district officials put in daily to keep clean, accurate financial records," Auditor Faber said. "Their efforts go a long way toward making Ohio more efficient, effective and transparent."
The Auditor of State Award is presented to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit.
Entities that receive the award meet the following criteria of a "clean" audit report. The entity must file timely financial reports with the Auditor of State's Office. The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or questioned costs. The entity's management letter contains no comments related to ethics referrals, questioned costs less than $10,000, lack of timely report submission, reconciliation, failure to obtain a timely Single Audit, findings for recovery less than $100, and public meetings or public records.
"It's an honor to receive this award on behalf of the school district," stated treasurer Mark Lucas. "I would like to thank our Board of Education, superintendent and staff for their hard work which helped in making this possible."
Pictured, from left, are fiscal assistants Leigh Bratton and Jordan Woodruff, treasurer Mark Lucas, and Southeast Region Liaison for the Auditor of State's Office Grant Davis.
BHCCenters News