68090 Hammond Road,
Saint Clairsville, Ohio 43950
According to the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Labor, job prospects will require more and more career-technical skills.
National labor trends show that only 20% of the job market requires a four-year college degree. However, 50% of high school students are choosing a college route. Half of these college-bound young people complete their degree. The other half are left to evaluate how they will fit into the world of work. They are equipped with whatever book knowledge they have gained and little or no specific job skills. This hinders them in trying to gain employment in the ever-growing skilled labor market.
The Belmont and Harrison Career Centers continue to review programming to meet the needs of our local labor market. Students have an opportunitiy to earn industry-recognized credentials or benefit from articulation agreements with post-secondary providers in many of our programs. Our school district continues to partner with Belmont College to offer to eligible students College Credit Plus, which enables students to take college coursework while still completing their career-technical programming with the Career Centers.
The Career Centers have a Job Placement Coordinator to help qualified students with job placement during their senior year. This option provides students with an opportunity to build an employment history in their career field. Some students receive full time employment offers with the employer after the placement ends. The Career Centers encourage all students to seek employment in their career field after graduation and explore post-secondary options.