• 68090 Hammond Road,
    Saint Clairsville, Ohio 43950

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BCC Program Staff

Adam Fisher

BCC - Agricultural Mechanics (Diesel)→
email: adam.fisher@bhccenters.com

Katie Warner

BCC - Allied Health Science→
email: katie.warner@bhccenters.com

Ryan Romshak

BCC - Auto Collision Technology→
email: ryan.romshak@bhccenters.com
740-695-9130 ext 1117

Matt Garrett

BCC - Automotive Technology→
email: matt.garrett@bhccenters.com

Rick Meade

BCC - Carpentry→
email: rick.meade@bhccenters.com

Bailey Sieber

BCC - Construction Trades→
email: bailey.sieber@bhccenters.com
740-695-9130 ext 1504/Lab 1152

Debbie Hawthorne

BCC - Dental Assisting→
email: debbie.hawthorne@bhccenters.com

Alison Goodrich

BCC - Hair Design→
email: alison.goodrich@bhccenters.com

Erin Elerick

BCC - Hospitality & Tourism →
email: erin.elerick@bhccenters.com

Brent Matis

BCC - PC and Network Technology→
email: brent.matis@bhccenters.com

Christel Warner

BCC - Pharmacy Technician→
email: christel.warner@bhccenters.com
740-695-9130 ext 1507/Lab 1123

Dustin Rose

BCC - Precision Machining→
email: dustin.rose@bhccenters.com

Brian Grear

BCC - Small Engine Technology→
email: brian.grear@bhccenters.com

Deanna Duche'

BCC - Welding→
email: deanna.duche@bhccenters.com
740-695-9130 ext 1158

HCC Program Staff

David Nameth

HCC - Construction Trades→
740-695-9130 ext 2419/2444

Rhonda Glenn

HCC - Hospitality & Tourism →

Sherry Duggan

HCC - Visual Graphics→

BHCC Full Staff Directory

Name Program/Subject/Title Location Ext Email
Construction Trades BCC 1504/1152
Adams, Ron
Custodian BCC 1128
Albright, Alan
Agricultural & Industrial Mechanics (Diesel) HCC 2432
Austin, Heather
Director of Career-Technical Education BCC 1114
Baum, Keith
Culinary Food Service BCC 425-3617
Bell, Brian
Maintenance BCC 1131
Boughner, Jennifer
Work Based Leaning Coordinator BCC 1167
Bratton, Leigh
Fiscal Assistant/Budgetary BCC 1137
Caldwell, Ryan
Principal/Belmont Career Center BCC 1113
Chini, Danielle
Secretary/Special Education BCC 1136
Chirpas, Dana
English & Communications BCC 1505
Coleman, Devan
Applied Science BCC 1127
Daley, Steve
Principal/Harrison Career Center HCC 2403
Davenport, Francine
Applied Science BCC 1504
DeNoble, Rich
Construction Technologies/St. Clairsville HS BCC 695-1584
Donahue, John
Custodian HCC 2446
Duche, Deanna
Welding BCC 1158
Duggan, Sherry
Visual Graphics HCC 2450
Dulkoski, Angela
Secretary/Harrison Career Center HCC 2401
Ebert, Michelle
Cafeteria HCC 2424
Elerick, Erin
Hospitality & Tourism BCC 1170
Fisher, Pam
Cafeteria BCC 1142
Fisher, Adam
Agricultural Mechanics (Diesel) BCC 1115
Forro, Steve
School Resource Officer BCC 1149
Francis, Eric
School Counselor/BCC BCC 1164
Frye, Jeff
Intervention Specialist BCC 1252
Furbee, Ken
Social Studies BCC 1512
Garrett, Matt
Automotive Technology BCC 1144
Glenn, Rhonda
Hospitality & Tourism HCC 2410
Glitch, Bill
Marketing Coordinator BCC 1154
Goodrich, Alison
Hair Design BCC 1118
Grear, Brian
Small Engine Technology BCC 1165
Green, Mikaya
Interactive Media/Shadyside BCC 676-3235
Hannahs, Bonnie
Cafeteria BCC 1142
Hardy, Jennifer
Social Studies/Government BCC 1513
Hawthorne, Debbie
Dental Assisting BCC 1120
Hollaway, Brandi
School Counselor/HCC HCC 2404
Ignace, Michele
Secretary/Main Office BCC 1111
James, Russ
Applied Math BCC 1517
Karkowski, Melissa
Resource Center Aide BCC 1150
Krupa, Matt
Intervention Specialist BCC 1119/2458
Kyer, Julie
EMIS Coord/Supt. Secretary BCC 1166
Kyer, Tim
Maintenance BCC 1131
Leasure, Chris
Physical Education BCC 1121
Littell, Misty
Cafeteria BCC 1142
Losey, Gloria
Social Studies HCC 2415
Lowery, Jamaal
In-School Suspension BCC 1165
Lucas, Mark
Treasurer BCC 1134
Lucas, Beth
Secretary/Guidance BCC 1339
Luyster, Lilli
Guidance Associate BCC 1132
Matis, Brent
PC and Network Technologies BCC 1122/1168
McClintock, Mitch
Maintenance HCC 2446
Meade, Rick
Carpentry BCC 1138
Meadows, Melody
English & Communications HCC 2413
Metz, Linda
Intervention Specialist BCC 1250
Moore, Jessica
ISS Monitor HCC 2457
Morgan, Patty
Intervention Specialist HCC 2451
Mowery, Anthony
Intervention Specialist BCC 2458
Mullen, Lorie
School-Based Mental Health Therapist BCC 1156
Nameth, David
Construction Trades HCC 2419/2444
O'Grady, Jonathan
Construction Trades/Shadyside HS BCC 676-3235
O'Neil, Julie
Intervention Specialist BCC 1253
Pastva, Brittany
English & Communications BCC 1506
Richmond, Bobby
Interactive Media/St. Clairsville HS BCC 695-1584
Robinson, Olivia
Fiscal Assistant/Payroll BCC 1145
Rodak, Leslie
School Nurse BCC 1171
Romshak, Ryan
Auto Collision Technology BCC 1117
Rose, Dustin
Precision Machining BCC 1124
Schoene, Richard
Superintendent BCC 1190
Sieber, Bailey
Construction Trades BCC 1152
Smith, Amanda
Intervention Specialist BCC 1199
Stull, Beth
Math HCC 2414
Supanik, Cheryl
Director of Student Services BCC 1129
Tripp, Brent
Science HCC 2412
Vinskovich, Jamie
Finance/Barnesville HS BCC 425-3617
Warner, Katie
Allied Health Science BCC 1125
Warner, Christel
Pharmacy Technician BCC 1507/1123
Weaver, Lakin
Entertainment Marketing & Broadcast Journalism BCC 695-1584
Wilson, Beth
Business/St. Clairsville HS BCC 695-1584
Wolfe, Cathy
Math BCC 1516
Woodruff, Josh
Technology Specialist BCC 1600